Report by: Miss Chaya, Assistant Teacher

“Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.” – with this belief Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Kilpady Mulky, held its PTA General Body Meeting on Tuesday, July 2 ,2024.

The meeting began by invoking the Gods blessings through a prayer song. The gathering was gracefully welcomed by the students through a mesmerizing dance performance.

Mrs. Dayavathi addresses the gathering, Sr.Mariola BS Education Co-ordinator of Mangalore Province. Resource person Mrs. Bharathi G Rao, Freelancer HR Trainer & Consultant. Sr Meena BS Superior of Madeleine Convent. The teachers welcomed the guests with a bouquet of flower.

Mrs.Malathi the PTA Secretory presented the detailed and informative annual report of 2023-2024.

Headmistress Sr. Rita Sharal, extend her heartfelt thanks to everyone for attending and participating in our PTA General Body Meeting. Your presence and active involvement are vital to the health and progress of our institution. She briefed the parents about the rules and regulations of the school and gave a call for positive involvement of parents in their child’s upbringing.








Sr. Mariola BS, Education Co-ordinator of Mangalore Province addressed the gathering. Her speech highlighted the need to make each child responsible in his or her work and actions. She also advised parents to teach their children the quality of self-discipline and loyalty etc.

The Resource Person Mrs.Bharathi G Rao addressed the gathering, its essential to be clear, respectful, empathic etc. She also discussed the importance of how to bring up their children in a discipline manner and to spend time with their child. Parents must be role models of values and discipline to their child its parent’s responsibility to control their childs and not vice versa.

At the end of the programme Mrs.Radhika proposed the vote of thanks for the gathering.

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