Report by :Mrs Preema, Assistant teacher

The fare well ceremony of non-teaching staff member Mrs Sunanda Shettigar accompanied by her daughter was a heart-warming event that began with a assembly in the school auditorium on 2 July 2024 at 10.30am.

The event was marked by escorting the guest through band. Sr Meena the superior of Madeline convent, Sr. Rita Sharal the headmistress of Bethany English Medium school, PTA executive committee members ,And all teaching and non-teaching-staff came together to appreciate the remarkable contributions of Mrs.Sunandha has made during her illustrious career.

Sr.Rita Sharal BS and .Sr Meena BS honoured Mrs. Sunandha recognised her dedication and hard work for the 10 years of service in our institution.

Mrs. Anet shared a beautiful experience, Memories how she took care the small children, your journey in this institution has been nothing short of extraordinary. For years, you have exemplified dedication hard work and unwavering commitment.

The programme was hosted by Mrs. Malathi and Mrs.Preema proposed the vote of thanks.









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