1. World Environment Day (05.06.2024)
On 5th June World Environment day celebrated with great zeal consisting of a prayer service, a nature song, dance and inaugural of class garden along with their class teachers to emphasize the importance of environment in our lives.



2. Inaugural Ceremony of Kindergarten (06.06.2024)
We joyfully welcomed our tiny tots with a band and flowers, followed by a heartfelt prayer and warm greetings to parents and students for the new academic year. It was a delightful, fun-filled day as we embraced our newest members into our school community.

We inaugurated the new academic year with the theme “Education for Fullness of Life.” The children enthusiastically burst balloons to mark the beginning of the session.
Students and parents enjoyed capturing memories in the selfie corner. Our headmistress addressed the gathering, sharing inspiring words and important updates.


3. Sacred Hearts’ Feast (07.06.2024)
The School feast of Sacred Hearts’ was celebrated on 7th June 2024. A day began with a thanks-giving Eucharistic celebration. Cultural programme, depicted the values of compassionate love and kindness towards the poor and the marginalized people. The president of the day Rev Sr M Juliana Monis, the correspondent addressed the gathering.


4. Crowning of the future Leaders (21.06.2024)
“Leadership is an attribute acquired by birth and the school is the best place to identify and nurture it.”

The inaugural ceremony of the school cabinet 2024-25 was formed in the school quadrangle. The programme was launched by the graceful prayer service. The newly formed cabinet members were adorned with sashes. The oath was administered by Rev. Sr Anitha, the Headmistress and the newly elected cabinet members received the light of responsibility. The newly appointed SPL Andrea Wilita Veigas on behalf of all the cabinet members thanked all for giving them the opportunity and vouched to discharge their duties.

Various clubs were inaugurated and introduced the aim and working models of their club.


5. Training Programme (29.06.2024)
The Bethany Education Society Mangalore Province, organized half a days session to all the Pre Primary Teachers of Mangalore Province in Sacred Hearts’ Pre Primary School, Kulshekar. It was conducted by Ayesha Parveen from Next Education Hyderabad. The speaker highlighted on digital education. Thirty enthusiastic teachers benefited from the workshop.

Focusing on the activity based education she invited the teachers to use different tools like flashcards, engaging puppet shows and other cutting-edge digital techniques and modern tools to captivate and educate the students effectively. Indeed it was a good opportunity to come together and enhance our skills and methodologies.

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Bethany Provincialate
Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575028
Karnataka, India.

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