It was a great day, a day to rejoice. The YSM Movement was inaugurated in our college on July 19, 2014 at 9.30a.m. The programme began with a prayer dance. Rev. Fr Melwyn D Souza the Assistant Parish Priest of St Joseph the worker Church Vamanjoor inaugurated the Movement by lighting the lamp. Sr Cecilia D Souza BS the Principal read the oath for the Office Bearers.

Students pledged to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution and to build a New Society by following the Methodology of YSM. Mr Arun Fernandes, greeted the students. Fr Melwyn D Souza blessed the students and invited them to change oneself in order to change the change others and society through three aspects Awareness, Interest and Action. He also encouraged the students to do one good deed every day, to pray for peace, to skip a meal and to give the saving to the poor, to honour the parents.



Mr Arun Fernandes congratulated the students for joining YSM and Management for taking a new step through YSM, for ours is the only College all over India which has YSM. He spoke on how one can change the society by keeping before the students the examples of Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gnadhi and others. He stressed that change is possible through one person. Sr Cecilia D Souza BS in her presidential address said that change should begin from self and from the present situation. She also said that as young students need to dream high and see that the dream is realized in action.






Mrs Lidwin Crasta the animator of the YSM Movement welcomed the gathering and Ms Renita Fernandes the Assistant Animator proposed the Vote of Thanks. Roshan Melwyn Lobo kept before the audience the report, Prajwal Lobo presented the Power Point Presentation, and Mervin Vas and Melwita Mascarenhas compeered the programme. Students performed a folk dance and a value based skit. 

Reported by: Sr Cicilia D’Souza BS, St Raymond’s College,Vamanjoor




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