by, Sr Lavita, St Raymond Eng Med Higher Primary School, Vamanjoor

On June 5th, we celebrated World Environment Day, marking the beginning of Mother Earth Week at our school. This week was dedicated to raising awareness about environmental conservation and instilling a sense of responsibility towards our planet among students.

Throughout the week, students participated in a variety of activities designed to educate and inspire them to care for the Earth. One of the first activities involved taking students to an open ground where they embraced trees and learned about their vital role in maintaining ecological balance. The following activities highlighted key environmental practices:

1. Say No to Plastic: Students were encouraged to eliminate the use of plastic bags and opt for reusable alternatives. This initiative aimed to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable habits.

2. Plant a Sapling: On their birthdays, students were encouraged to plant a sapling both at school and at home. This activity emphasized the importance of tree planting in combating climate change and improving air quality.

3. Avoid Plastic Use: Students were taught to replace plastic bottles with steel or other eco-friendly options. They were also encouraged to use cloth bags, like guinea bags, for shopping instead of relying on plastic bags from shops.

4. Water Conservation: Emphasis was placed on using water sparingly and preserving this precious resource. Students learned about the importance of water conservation for sustaining life on Earth.

Additionally, a drawing competition on the theme of "Mother Earth" was conducted, allowing students to express their understanding and appreciation for the environment through art.

These activities not only provided hands-on learning experiences but also fostered a deeper connection with nature. By participating in Mother Earth Week, students gained valuable insights into the importance of environmental stewardship and were empowered to make a positive impact on the planet.

As we continue to celebrate and protect our environment, we encourage everyone to adopt these practices in their daily lives. Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving the Earth for future generations.





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