Nov 22, 2014: “Think differently and make a difference in the world”. “Dream and dream and convert the dream into thought and later into actions” With this farsighted view the Bethany Educational Society of Mangalore Province organized a seminar on 22nd November at St Raymond’s College Auditorium at Vamanjoor. The students who excelled in Mathematics and Science were the participants. It was a day of surprises, a day to stretch the curiosity and perform amazing learning.

The program was inaugurated at 10 am by Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior and the Corporate Manager of Bethany Educational Society (BES) of Mangalore Province by lighting the lamp and symbolically propelling the rocket which aroused the curiosity among the participants. In her inaugural address she called upon the students to get motivated in basic sciences and mathematics and grasp the essence of it and to develop the scientific temper. Here she registered the words of Revered Founder  Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas the Servant of God – beaten path was not his lifestyle rather he chose a road less traveled. So, amidst the change and progress in the world one has to be resourceful and not to give up. She captured the attention of the students to the message –“think differently and make a difference in the world”.

There after the Inaugural was followed by sessions on mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry by different resource persons. The students participated actively in all the sessions like debate, quiz, street play slogans, experiments and preparation of models.

Mathematics: Students learnt math’s rhymes, fast multiplication tricks, mathematical jokes, history of organmy and construction of different polygons in a colorful way was presented.

Physics: Models and experiments were set up on electricity, light, waves, centripetal force, centrifugal force, pressure; Newton’s law etc. students showed lot of interests in preparing the models and performing the experiments and cleared their doubts

Biology: An awareness of nature was brought out within themselves. A power point was shown on modern technology. A debate on world, with technology and without technology was held. Students enacted a skit on pollution and collected slogans and gathered songs on pollution. These activities evoked in them the need of preserving ecology.

Chemistry: Chemistry is in the world and the world in the chemistry. It was demonstrated by conducting experiments, imparting knowledge on nano technology through power point presentation and a quiz was conducted. Through these activities the skill of thinking and reasoning was enhanced.

Before concluding the program a few among the participants shared their views on day’s seminar and expressed that it was brainstorming and a memorable day. It facilitated the budding Scientists and Mathematicians to soar high and contribute to the nation something innovative, new in the field of science and mathematics.

The whole program was chalked out by Sr Christella BS the BES secretary of Mangalore Province. The program was concluded with National Anthem.

Reported By
Sr Ashwini BS

















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