"Be authentic, be your true self...". Speaking on the occasion of the Annual Prize Distribution Day of Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar Dr Caroline D'Souza, Asst Professor, KMC said "...formation of character is an important factor in the development of the personality". Therefore she told the students to be authentic and be their true self at home and in the school. She gave a clarion call to the parents to give quality time to their children and help them in their all-round development.
Correspondent Sr Marie Lyta BS presided over the program, Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS the headmistress welcomed the gathering, Mr Vasanth Marathe presented the report, Mrs Lilly Menezes thanked one and all. Mrs Flavia compered the program, Mr Ashok Kumar Shetty and Mr Joseph were the chief guests of the day. PTA vice president Mr Sunil Monteiro, SPL master Bhavith were present.
Reported by
Sr Cynthia D’Cunha BS
Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar