Theme: “Vibrant Life Transforming Charism and Spirituality of Bethany”
The members of Provincial Assembly (41) consisting of Provincial Superiors, her councillors, Province Procurator, Local Superiors and Formation personnel came together at the Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor for an evaluation and re-orientation on 1st August. The Assembly began by highlighting the fiat of Mary, the first patroness of our Congregation. Sr Mariette the Provincial Superior in her key note address expounded the theme of the Assembly and called upon the participants to keep alive the charism of our Founder through our life and mission.
On the following day, Sr Mariette took up sessions on Vibrant Life Transforming Charism and Spirituality of Bethany. She explained to us through PowerPoint our charism and the spirituality which flows from the charism. From the fund of her knowledge she shared with us various episodes from the life of our Founder; her sharing challenged us to think the way he thought and acted. Her sessions invited us to be filled with God’s compassionate love in order to bring good news to the poor and the marginalized, especially, women. Thereafter we evaluated the Province Action Plan (2013-14) followed by the common session. At the end of the day, Rev Fr. Ajith Menezes helped us to revisit our Mission from pastoral perspectives. He called us to examine the existing pattern of our pastoral ministry and asked us to look for various avenues which are placed before us. He also spoke to us of the need to build on the available resources within the Parish and neighbourhood.
On 3rd August we reflected during the Eucharistic celebration on the compassion of Jesus towards the hungry multitude meaningfully celebrated by Fr. Joseph Cardoza. Thereafter, the Provincial Councillors (Sisters Christella, Sharon, Cicilia Mendonca and Mariola) and the Province Procurator (Sr Marielyta) presented to us various concerns of the Province on the pastoral, socio-medical, educational field and temporal administration. After lunch, Sr. Canisia the General Councillor spoke on the spirituality of the temporal administration focussing mainly on two values - transparency and accountability. She guided us to take care of the assets of the Congregation and to make proper use of them.
Basing on the various input sessions, we drew up an Action Plan for the year. At the end, Sr Mariette in her concluding message once again reminded us to live the charism and spirit of Bethany in the Pre-Centenary Decade and called us to be compassionate handmaids in the community and to the people outside. With a deep desire to live the spirit of our Founder, we returned to our communities.
Sr. Anna Maria BS, Santa Cruz, Kulshekar