Sr M Wilberta BS the Superior  General of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany and the President of Bethany Educational Society (BES), awarding the certificates for the participants of the Literary Meet at Rosa Mystica, Kinnikambla, said that  ‘Shree Sumukhananda, Jalavalli is the product of  BES, who toiled 37 years in our educational institutions still belongs to us. Observing his achievements of making the participants writers, poets, dancers, singers and actors within five days is a wonder. I wish I would have been a participant’.







Sr M Rose Celine BS the General Secretary of BES, releasing the handwritten Magazine ‘Kannu Theredaga’ (while opening the eyes) said “  ‘Shree Sumukhananda, has skillfully operated the literary eyes of the participants enabling them to be writers, poets, dancers, singers and performers of dance drama. Participants being the teachers, she said that the art leant at this workshop should be transferred to the student community is which they serve.
Sr M Cecilia Mendonca BS the coordinator of the Literary Workshop hailed the unity and enthusiasm of the participants. Like fine pearls sought from the bottom of the sea, Shree Sumukhananda, has unearthed the latent literary talent of the participants she added.






Shree Sumukhananda the resource person of the literary work shop said ‘he is pleased with performance of the participants. It was a pleasant experience to be with the ‘Maatheyaru’ (he called the religious sisters as Mothers) brothers and sisters of this workshop. Composing and enacting the Nrithya Roopaka within five days is a wonder. The credit goes to the determination and good will of the participants’ he praised.
Sr M Prashanthi BS, the asst Superior of the Rosa Mystica Convent, welcomed the dignitaries to the dais and introduced the guests.






Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province and the Corporate Manager of the Province who had conceived the idea of conducting the seminar said that ‘I am fully satisfied of the dream realized. I see writers, poets, singers, composers and dancers who have put up a show of perfect art’.

The Literary Workshop had begun on 16th and was closed on May 21, 2014 evening. At the closing function three Nrithya Roopakas, one drama, few poems, short poems and short stories were read. Participants were 29 who belonged to the Western, Bangalore and Mangalore Provinces. It was held at Rosa Mystica D Ed College. Sr Grace Ida the Principal of the College provided accommodation in the hostel and provided good food and needed facilities. Sr M Amitha BS the Superior of the convent had arranged for the food and lodge of the sisters in the convent.







Report: Sr Celine Vas BS, St Raymond’s Convent, Vamanjoor




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