‘Today onwards you will use your pencil with eraser to write and rewrite as you are attending the five day Literary Workshop” said Rev Sr Mariette BS, the Provincial Superior of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany of Mangalore Province and the Corporate Manager of The Bethany Educational Society®, Vamanjoor in her keynote address to the participants of the Literary Workshop which was held on 16th May 2014 at Rosa Mystica D. Ed College, Kinnikambla.
Shri Sumukananda Jalavalli was the resource person. He was the Kannada Teacher for about 37 years in the schools under Bethany Educational Society® and was retired just a year ago. He has written and directed more than 25 Dance Dramas. Kalpavalli based on the life story of the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the Founder of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany has turned out into a tele-film, is the crown of his literary talent. Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS introduced the personalities on the dais and welcomed the gathering. Around 27 participants who were selected from Bangalore, Western, Mangalore Provinces and Central Administration took part in the work shop. Sr Mariette BS, Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS, Sr Prashanthi BS and Shri Sumukananda Jalavalli were present on the dais. Mrs Lilly Menezes compeered the inaugural programme.
Report: Sr Celine Vas BS