With a call to be renewed, refreshed, revived and re-committed, 70 sisters of the Province belonging to the age group of 55 to 65 participated in a Renewal programme held at Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor in two groups on 30th and 31st March 2014.

“It is your thoughts that matter- thoughts of young and hopeful. It you have decide to do something, no matter where you are, it will be done’, said Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province in her key note address and motivated the group to participate in the group with a assurance that they will never regret for have come.

Rev. Fr Alvito OCD, the resource person of the day exhorted the participants to see the Kingdom of God and enter the Kingdom of God to return to our original innocence. To see the Kingdom of God one has to be born anew, born of the Spirit. To enter the Kingdom of God one should be purified of one’s conscious and unconscious by the Spirit. To be born again is the basic goal of life. Fulfillment comes not from job, profession power, position and money but from God alone.






By constantly referring to St John of the Cross and the stages of Prayer he called on the participants to say finely tuned to the movement of the Spirit. Three essentials for our journey in prayer are Charity, humility and detachment. He dealt in detail on the dangers of attachment viz.,

a) Disturbance like anxiety, worry, tension, torment and pain
b) Wears you or drains you. Jer.2:13
c) Lukewarm in prayer
d) Blinds your intellect
e) Defiles you
f) Holy Spirit leaves you

The participants were happy to have been focused on the Kingdom of God by being motivated to grow in their prayer from active meditation to passive purification.

They left the place thanking God and thanking Provincial Superior and her team for the  opportunity given.

Reported by:Sr M Jessy Rita BS, Rosa Mystica Convent, Kinnikambla




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