On 31st 2014 March Bethany Lay Association Members of Mangalore Province came together to reflect and Plan the activities of BLA. There were 98 members from 10 BLA Units and 12 sisters who were in charge of BLA Units from various communities
The following units were present
Bethel convent Permannur, Nazareth Convent Bajpe, Rosa Mystica, Liseux Convent Puttur, Mary Queen convent Karkal, St Raymond’s convent Vamanjoor, Santa Cruz Convent Kulshekar, Madeline convent Mulki, Queen of the Missions Sampaje, Loretto convent Moodubelle.
Sr Anitha Nathalia BS conducted some ice breaking sessions and all the BLA members were mixed in different groups. At 10.30 Kulshekar BLA unit led the group into prayer. Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS the Pastoral coordinator of the Province offered a cordial welcome to all the members. Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior addressed the group and invited them to become Radical, Fearless and Committed following the example of Mgr. RFC Mascarenhas the Founder of Bethany. She thanked them for sharing in the Mission of the Congregation.
Sr Assumpta BS the General Coordinator of Pastoral Apostolate of the Congregation enlightened the members through video clippings to deepen their faith in Jesus and to become companions to one another on our faith journey like the Disciples on the way to Emmaus. Being the year of Reconciliation she invited every member to forgive unconditionally and accept every member in the family with love.
After the group discussion the secretaries presented the report. As a result of this the members expressed that they will keep in mind the theme of Reconciliation and imbibe this in their life. Quiz was conducted on Founder’s life by Sr Shalet D’Souza BS. A group song was sung by Rosa Mystica BLA unit. Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Caroline Pais. The whole programme was compeered by Sr Celine Vas BS. The programme came to an end with fellowship meal.
Reported by: Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS