Jeevandhara Centre, a unit of Jeevandhara Social Service Trust, Kulshekar, Mangalore, celebrated the ‘International Women’s day on 6th March 2014 at Sacred Hearts’ Eng Med. Auditorium, Kulshekar, Mangalore.
The inauguration of the programme was done by Ms Malini Rodrigues Programme Officer SJSRY, MCC Mangalore. In her inaugural speech, she highlighted the advantages and the disadvantages of Self Help Groups. She did emphasize on how women, apart from Savings and borrowing loans, effectively utilize the skills and knowledge they gain from their groups.
Ayisha Mumthaz the Muslim women activist of Mangalore, highlighted the status of women as per Koran. She narrated the various harassments a muslim woman goes through. As per her research, she stated that it is the dowry system, which is the main cause for domestic violence.
Sr M Agnes Mary BS, the Superior of Santa Cruz Convent Kulshekar, wished success for the programme and expressed concern to restore human dignity. Sr M Cicilia Mendonca BS the Provincial Councilor and the Headmistress of Sacred Hearts’ High School, in her speech confirmed that women need to be assertive and claim their rights.
The President of the Programme, Sr Mariola BS, the Secretary of Jeevandhara Social Service Trust, greeted every one present at the occasion and illustrated the status of women in India in line with Human trafficking, violence and illiteracy. She did call on women to be in power with their counterparts and affirm their dignity as women.
At the outset Sr Anna Maria D’Sa BS, the Director of Jeevandhara Centre, welcomed the dignitaries and the participants. The programme coordinator of Jeevandhara Centre Ms Bharathi and Ashwini, presented the annual report and highlighted the various activities done towards obtaining Development through different methodologies adapted. Sr M Prema Gonsalves BS the Asst. Director of Jeevandhara Centre proposed vote of thanks and acknowledged each ones presence. Ms Alice Lobo compeered the programme.
Reported by Sr Anna Maria D’Sa BS, Director, Jeevandhara Centre, Kulshekar, Mangalore.