Symposium on Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas the Servant of God, the Founder of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, was organized by Bethany Educational Society, Mangalore Province for the second batch of teaching and non-teaching staff on 08.03.2014 at St Raymond’s College Auditorium.
The programme began at 10.00 am with prayer, lighting the Diya followed by offering floral tribute to our Visionary Fr Founder, the Servant of God. Around 150 teaching and non-teaching staff from Various Schools/Colleges participated in the event. Rev Sr Christella BS, the Asst. Provincial Superior and the Coordinator for Education of BES Mangalore Province presided over the Symposium. Sr Sybil BS the Province BES Treasurer, welcomed Sr Christella BS the president of the day, Ms Jane Sunitha Vas the moderator of the session, resource persons & the gathering.
Sr Christella BS, in her Keynote address highlighted, Founder as a Visionary and far sighted man, who lived to bring fullness of life. At the outset, she facilitated the participants on the occasion of International Women’s day.
Mr Richard Alvares, the First speaker analyzed the similarities found in Founder and Mahatma Gandhi in the field of Education which upheld various policies and the use of head, heart & mind.
The Second Speaker was Mrs B M Rohini, who narrated the life examples of Founder and how he was an Icon of empowerment of rural women.
Mrs Leena Lilly Pinto the Third Speaker, highlighted the Bethany core values preached by Fr Founder in his life and how it has shaped the life of the students today.
At 1.00 pm Sr Christella BS the President of the Symposium concluded the session by reiterating that all the Staff in our institutions belong to Bethany family and gave them invitation to make the vision of our Founder alive in their daily interactions with students and with others. She called upon them to imbibe the goal of BES “Transformative education for fullness of life.”
Reported By, Bethany Educational Society, Vamanjoor