By, Ms Chaya, Assistant teacher

Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated on November 1st at Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Kilpady Mulki with great vigor and enthusiasm.

Aaron swaroop from class 2nd welcomed headmistress Sr Rita Sharal and hoisted the flag of Kannada Rajyotsava to honor the culture heritage and pride. Headmistress and all the teachers lighted the lamp to symbolize the spirit of unity and culture.

Students melodiously sang Nada Geethe to highlight the significance of the day. Students from 2nd and 4rd performed a vibrant dance to celebrate the states culture and traditions.

Headmistress with a short introduction highlighted the rich culture heritage, language and tradition of Karnataka, emphasizing the importance of preserving and promoting Kannada language and Culture.

The program was concluded with Vote of thanks by Shahzor Hassan









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