1st December 2013 is a red-letter day for the Bethany Sisters of Mangalore Province. On this day, the Bethany Sisters of Mangalore Province celebrated their Province day. It is an annual feature where the entire Province - sisters and formees - come together and make joyful melody, singsongs of gratitude and offer praises and thanks to God Almighty.
PROVINCE DAY 2013 was unique and rare of its kind as Mangalore Province launched the website www.bethanymangaloreprovince.org .
On this great occasion, we offer warmest congratulations to the Provincial Superior Sr Mariette BS who has made the Province vibrant and holy by her dynamic leadership, animation and inspiration. We owe our gratitude to the Provincial Councillors who have supported and assisted the Provincial Superior in all her endeavours. Our special thanks to all the members of the Province who have contributed their share in making our Mangalore Province what it is today.
During the formal programme, Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior delivered the keynote address on the topic - Innovations in Consecrated Life. It was followed by in-depth reflections coupled with soul-searching questions on the same topic by Rev. Fr Swebert D’Silva SJ the Principal of St Aloysius College, Mangalore. Thereafter Rev Mgr Denis Moras Prabhu, the Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore celebrated the Eucharist; Rev Fr Pius James D’Souza OCD the Episcopal Vicar for Religious, Diocese of Mangalore and Rev. Fr Ajith Menezes, Assistant Director St Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor were the concelebrants.
Innovations in Consecrated Life, being the theme of the Province Day celebration, the sisters and the formees presented creative items based on the theme on various ministries of the Province. The programme was very meaningful, enlightening and broadening perspectives with regard to making Bethany relevant for our times. The UNO theme - International Year of Water- was also staged by the Junior Sisters with a clarion call - Save Water; Save the Planet Earth. Resolved to be innovators in living out their Consecrated Life, the sisters returned to their communities enriched and empowered.
Source: Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor