Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul, Dream big, for every dream precedes the goal. The most auspicious ceremonial occasion of Bethany English Medium Higher Primary school, Investiture Ceremony was celebrated on 23 June 2023, with full zeal & zest and enthusiasm. The Investiture Ceremony is one of the momentous occasions when the school entrusts hope, faith and the mantle of responsibility to the newly appointed school cabinet. This ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly office bearers. The ceremony began by invoking God’s blessings. A welcome dance was performed by the students, bringing out the hidden language of the soul. Mrs. Preema D’mello welcomed the gathering.



The Investiture Ceremony was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries and student representatives. The school Head Girl, Head Boy along with Prefects and the House Captains were conferred with badges and sashes. Our beloved Headmistress Sr.Rita Sharal administered the oath to the School Head Girl. Thereafter, the student council took the pledge to hold the school motto in high esteem. The Chief guest Rev.Fr. Maxim Pinto,SVD graced the occasion. A garland of motivational words were delivered by the chief guest. In his speech he guided Student Council Members to be the role models and render their responsibilities sincerely as the nation builders of tomorrow. He also advised the students to inculcate the values of punctuality, dedication, discipline and determination as they are the torch bearers of tomorrow. The programme was compered by Ms.Roveena D’souza and the vote of thanks was proposed by Head Girl Eva Andrea D’souza.


Roveena D’souza Assistant Teacher

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