Reported By: Sr Smita Chauhan BS

“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.”
If there is one field of life which teaches us the most valuable lessons about perseverance, patience in fact what constitutes a perfect character, it is sports. Thus, on the 26th of November, 2022, Bethany Convent Secondary School, Limboi organized the Annual Sports Meet 2022, for the year 2022-23. The Annual sports Meet embodies the zeal, talent and spirit of sportsmanship of the students, encouraging them to be persistent and to refine their talents, achieving the greatest of the heights.
The most anticipated event of the year commenced with the arrival of the highly distinguished guests Sr M Cicilia Mendonca BS as the President of the programme, Mr Vipul Chauhan as the chief guest, Fr Mathew, Mr Vijaysinh and Sr Arun as the guests of honour.
The principal extended a floral and formal welcome to the Guests and dignitaries. This was entailed by the hoisting of School Flag and declaration of the Moto to mark the expression of joy and merriment.

A spectacular and well- synchronized March Past by the four House contingents of the Senior and Primary Wing student rendering the spectators, speechless and awestruck.
The Oath Taking Ceremony led by the sports leader, Mr Ashish, pledging to uphold the honour and the spirit of true sportsmanship.
The different events were conducted such as race, hurdle race, relay, volleyball, khokho, kabbadi, rabbit race and so on. Students participated in the events with great enthusiasm. After all the games were over, there was prize distribution ceremony in which all the members of the match-winning team were given prizes from the hands of our guests.

The Green House was adjudged the Best House, in the March Past and also the overall Best House in sports events.
The zealous parents, gathered in large number, constantly applauded the participants of the Field track displays. The president Sr Cicilia Mendonca, addressed the school, laying emphasis on the need to imbibe qualities of discipline, sportsmanship spirit and to never be disappointed by failure in life, while thanking all the teachers who had ever taught them. Thus, a joyful day came to an end and everyone returned with a heart full of memories.

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