Ms. Anthony Mary, Assistant Teacher

A Science Fair is a place for students to present their science projects to professional scientists and to the community. Science Fair was held at St. Raymond English Medium Higher Primary School Vamanjoor on 7th November. It was inaugurated by Rev Sr Shubha B S the Correspondent and appreciated the students for the strenuous work and their creative mind. Sr Shubha along with Ms Nayana Shetty the PTA Vice President spent an hour interacting with the young scientist.






Since we had the open day parents also got a chance to view the models and appreciated the germinating seeds of a scientist. They also thanked the Headmistress Sr Lavita and the Staff for the opportunity given to their children to display their talents and skills. Mrs Shobhitha and Mrs Anthony Mary guided the students to put up the Science fair.

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Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575028
Karnataka, India.

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