The Formators meeting was held on 21.07.2019 at Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor.
Sr. Cecilia the Provincial Superior of Mangalore, her Councillors and the formators were present for the same. The Provincial Superior in her opening message voiced out the importance of formation. A formator is the one who experiences the Lord and then passes it on to the formees. One needs to receive the light from God and be a shining example of integrity, virtue and holiness. 
Sr. Preethi Prathima BS the resource person spoke on the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis ‘Vos Estis Lux Mundi’ (You are the light of the world). She highlighted the new norms that are given by Pope Francis to fight against the sexual abuse caused by the leaders of the Church.
It was followed by the presentation of the reports of various stages of formation- Come and see, Pre Novitiate, Novitiate and juniors by the respective formators. The formators presented the implementations of the priorities emerged during Formators meet at Umsning. Later the action plan was drawn for the betterment of the formation of the formees in various stages.
Reported By 
Sr Dhanya
Rosa Mystica Novitiate

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