A Dream Realized
The inauguration of Siddakatte Shanthi Rani Convent extension block and the Chapel was held on 1st November 2014 at 10.30 am. Sr Lillis BS the Assistant Superior General inaugurated the chapel and Sr Mariette BS the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province Inaugurated the new extension block. Later the new chapel was blessed along with the Eucharistic celebration. Mgr Denis Moras Prabhu, the Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese was the main celebrant of the Eucharist. Rev. Fr Antony Lasrado the Paricsh priest of St Patrick Church Siddakatte and Rev. Fr Eugene CSsR from Alangar, Moodbidri concelebrated the Eucharist. Fr Eugene in his homily highlighted the call to sainthood. After the Eucharsit there was a short felicitation programme. Sr Carita BS the Superior of the Convent welcomed the guests and the audience. Mr Lawrence Cutinha the Engineer, Mr Maxim Correa the Contractor and Mr Arun the Electrician were honoured on the occasion.
Mgr Denis Moras Prabhu in his speech highlighted the role played by the Bethany sisters in the diocese of Mangalore. Sr Mariette BS, in her speech gave a clarion call to sisters to make it a house of prayer wherein Jesus resides in the hearts of everyone. Sr Lillis BS expressed her happiness at the strenuous labour of Pioneers and the successors specially the interest and hard work of Sr Medela BS the former Procurator General of the Bethany Congregation who gave shape to the land and made the place fruitful. As Fr Founder had bought the place for the Economic sustenance of sisters, his desire was fulfilled. She appreciated the minute skilled work of the Engineer, Contractor, Electrician and the support of the local community members to put up such a building. Sr Anna Maria BS compered the programme. A good number of Bethany sisters and the parishioners were present for the programme. Fr Antony Lasrado prayed the grace for the meals. We thank God for his benevolence on our sisters past and the present.
Reported by
Sr Anna Maria BS
Santa Cruza Convent