Nov 4, 2014 : Sisters from the different communities of Mangalore Province made their Annual Retreat in different centers namely Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor, Rosa Mystica Convent Kinnikambla, Maryvale Convent, Kinnigoli, Madeleine Convent Mulki to recommit their lives to the Lord. Their only desire was to rejuvenate and recharge their spiritual strength and to draw closer to the Lord. They did find it and returned with new hope after their retreat. The talks were enriching, inspiring and thought provoking.  It was a call to have the glimpses of eternal life here and now, and to rise from our natural self to supernatural self. The preachers said, the intense is our love for God is the intense of our faith. We ended the retreat with a determination to become the beloved disciple of Jesus and to run faster than before in the Service of the Lord.

Reported by :
Sr Vithalis Lobo BS
Maryvale Convent







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