Jyothi PU College, Ajekar, Karkala Taluk, Udupi came into existence in the year 2010-2011. College was trying to get excellence in Education.  It is so, all these 4 years it excelled in getting 100% results.  

After the long chase college bagged District level Handball Championship and selected to State level.   Prathap of 1st PUC was the best defender and Rinith Prem D’Souza was the best Goli of the Game.  Both were awarded with cash prize and a shield by the department.   People of the locality sang with loud voice, “Twinkle Twinkle little Star, Jyothi PU College  shining star”. 

I am proud to say that, the locality of Ajekar, Hermunde, Hirgan and Kadtala joined together and celebrated the day with crackers and sweets.  Many of the people came forward and donated Sports dress to the College.  PTA members, Old Students of the College, well wishers and many others joined to honour the Principal and Lecturers for the loving services rendered with commitment in this remote area. 


Department also permitted to start NSS and sanctioned RS.33,000/- and 5,000/- for Eco-club.  I thank my staff members and students for their committed service to bring up this Institution.   My grateful thanks to Sr Wilberta BS, Superior General, Sr Rose Celine BS, Secretary BES, Sr Mariette BS, Provincial Superior, Sr Mariola BS, Correspondent and all the sisters who supported in my mission.

Sr M Sadhana BS, Principal
Jyothi PU College, Ajekar


Contact Us

Bethany Provincialate
Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575028
Karnataka, India.

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