Thrilled with joy, with the lamps still burning in our hearts with love for Jesus we, the 13 second and third year Junior Sisters gathered at the portals of our Provincialate at Vamanjoor by 6.00 pm on 11.04.2014 enthused to re-commit ourselves to our beloved spouse Jesus.
We were warmly welcomed by Sr Sharon our directress and explained to us the meaning of renewal of Religious Commitment. She appreciated us for the desire to belong to the Lord and the determination to continue our faith journey.
We were privileged to have Fr Francis Fernandes SVD who guided and directed us during the two days of recollection and enabled us to recollect, revive, and to revitalize the zeal and love for our Spouse Jesus. We also recollected the strengths and struggles which we encountered during our past life in the garden of Bethany that made us grow in faith. The prayers and meditations conducted by Fr Francis and Sr Sharon helped us to deepen our God-experience.
Sr Mariette our Provincial Superior in her message further enthused us by asking what have I done to Jesus and Bethany what will I do for Jesus and Bethany which moved our hearts and intensified our desire to march ahead and to serve the Lord and his people by living our Consecrated life meaningfully and joyfully.
Convinced by the desire to follow Christ more intimately we trimmed the wicks of our lamps and with lamps burning we renewed our commitment to the Lord by professing our vows on 14.04.2014 at St Raymond’s Convent Chapel, Vamanjoor in the presence of the community.
We are indeed grateful to our Superior General and her team, Provincial Superior and her team, Superiors and sisters our communities, our companions and all those who walked with us helping us to grow in the love of Jesus. With a grateful heart we sing the symphony of God’s love and His faithfulness to us.
By: Sr M. Royline Fatima BS, St Raymond’s Convent, Vamanjoor