February 11 2014 was a memorable day in the history of Lisieux Convent Puttur. It was the feast of our Lady of Lourdes, on this day  the newly built Grotto of our Lady  was blessed by Rev. Fr Gerald D’souza the Parish Priest of Puttur and the Statue of the Founder of Bethany Congregation  Mgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas was inaugurated by Rev. Sr Mariette BS the  Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province. The Parish Priest of Uppinangady Rev. Fr Victor D'Souza was present for the celebration.





The Programme began with the Prayer Service. Provincial Superior Sr Mariette in her address appreciated the Superior and the Community for the efforts put in by the Sisters, and invited everyone to grow in devotion to Mary and the Founder.  She highlighted on Founder’s  love towards the poor and the mission. The Parish Priest appreciated the Sisters for their service and contribution in the local parish and Puttur Deanery. The donors of the Grotto were appreciated.   Pinto Brothers Vamanjoor who built the Grotto were honoured by the Provincial Superior. At the outset, Sr Loyoline BS the local Superior welcomed the gathering and Sr Lavita BS proposed Vote of thanks.  Sr Lydia Pinto BS compeered the Programme. The Programme ended with the fellowship meal.





Reported by
Sr M Loyoline BS
Superior, Lisieux Convent, Puttur




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