Madeleine Hr Pry School, Mulki, Mangalore (Estd: 1946)



School Building

Mulki had no Catholic schools but several non-Catholic schools. Strong attempts were made by the non-Catholic communities, to open a girl’s high school, just as they had a high school for boys. Considering the dire need of a Catholic school Fr Founder opened the school in 1946 from 5th -7th and appointed catholic teachers headed by Ms Alice Pinto. The school became quite popular and later on upgraded to high school. The school was registered on 4th September 1948 by Fr R.F.C. Mascarenhas, as the president and Fr John. G. Pinto as treasurer and Mother Francis as Secretary and named as Madeleine Educational Society.
The school continued very efficiently with the committed service of the lay teachers and in 1958 the school was handed over to the Bethany sisters. The same year permission was obtained from the educational authorities to open the primary class from 1-5th which was attached to the high school and the permanent recognition was obtained on 1st December 1961. The school was administered by the high school headmistress. Ms Alice Pinto was the headmistress up to 1967 then onward Sr Ann Teresa was the headmistress. In 1970 the primary section was separated and Ms Leena Saldahna the assistant teacher was appointed as the headmistress for a year. Then onwards Sr Carmine Monteiro, Sr Diana, Sr Apoline Pinto, Sr Mercine D’Souza, Sr Jessy Lyta, Sr Mercine  D’Souza, Sr Carmine Misquith, Sr Stella Menezes, Sr Irene Rose Rego, Sr Lilly Gonsalves, Sr Veronica Pinto served the institution as the headmistresses and currently Sr Gracy Santhumayor is in office.  
At present there are 325 students with 5 appointed teachers. The school has got a very good name in our locality.


Madeleine Hr Pry School,
Bappanadu Village,   Mulky Post,
Mangalore , Karnataka - 574154

Telephone    0824 -2290336

Year of Establishment :     1946
Status  :                            I - VII
Aided/ unaided :               Aided
Affiliated to :                   Karnataka State Board
Headmistress :                Sr Gracy Monica BS
Correspondent :              Sr Divina BS

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Bethany Provincialate
Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575028
Karnataka, India.

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